Sad to say, I’ve started a few projects here and there, and being unhappy with the result, I’d frog and start all over. This has pulled the wind out of my sails and I haven’t been able to get really going on anything since my last owl sweater project.
But I do have a lot of knitting on the mind! It’s the getting-it-out-into-actual-stitches that seems to be the hurdle. The other night, I even dreamt of a knitted bikini (so odd, since I avoid any opportunity to wear bathing suits, let alone bikinis). The perfect construction, down to details like waterproof bra liners, were all worked out in my dream (this was a functional knitted bikini!).
For now, I am putting aside Elizabeth Gilbert’s advice and, instead of “showing up,” I am waiting this one out and letting the ideas roll around in my head until my knitting mojo decides to return.
And if anyone out there has any suggestions on how to kick-start this return, I’d love to hear it!